
A bash script for converting a plain-text file of multiple-choice questions to H5P

View the Project on GitHub justineuro/h5p-mcq-maker-fb

(Before using this bash script, note that a convenient way for creating a single H5P of any type is probably by using a free H5P viewer/editor app such as Lumi. However, if you have a substantial amount of multiple-choice question sets to create, then this bash script comes in handy.)


This repository contains a bash script for creating an H5P of multiple-choice questions (with a single correct answer; possibly with tips and right/wrong answer feedbacks) using the H5P Question Set template via the linux command line. Simply:

./mcq2h5p-FDBCK.sh control-fb.txt myMCQ-fb.txt

where myMCQ-fb.txt (it may be named in some other way) is a plain-text input file that contains your multiple-choice questions and corresponding answers (possibly with tips and feedbacks) written in H5P Question Set template markup (see tutorial), e.g.,

1. Which of the following is a letter?
10:Is this in the alphabet?:Try again.:In letters, this is TEN.
9:Is this in the alphabet?:Not quite.:In letters, this is NINE.
*A:Is this in the alphabet?:Yes, A is a letter.:A is a letter.

2. Which of the following is a number?

3. 15 + 1 + 3 = _____
16::15 + 1 = 16.  Try something bigger.:This is short by 3.
21::15 + 3 + 3 = 21.  Try something smaller.:  The correct sum is 2 less than this.
*19:: Right!: 15 + 1 + 3 = 16 + 3 = 19.
11:: 15 - 4 = 11.  A bit too small.: This is 8 smaller than the right sum.

(Note: Tips, correct- and wrong-answer feedbacks are given in item 1. Item 2 has neither tips nor right/wrong answer feedbacks. Item 3 has not tips but has right/wrong answer feedbacks.)
The H5P is created in the main directory and is called NAME_H5P_DIR.h5p based on the value of H5P_NAME in your control-fb.txt file. There are a number of ways to view/play this newly created H5P:

Instructions on use

To use:

Contents of this repositoty

This folder includes (among others):

The repository also contains the files for two other examples.

Creative Commons License
h5p-mcq-maker-fb by Justine Leon A. Uro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://github.com/justineuro/h5p-mcq-maker-fb.