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One-Command Kit for Creating an MDG Dance-Trio Collection Book based on Schottische Taenze (1830?)

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Here’s an opportunity for one to “compose” Scottish Dances (SDs) and to author a Collection Book!!!

[Audio:   ogg    midi]

This folder contains materials that allow the user to author a book containing a collection of Musical Dice Games (MDG) SDs, generated based on the rules given in Gustav Gerlach’s Kunst, Schottische Taenze zu componiren, ohne musicalisch zu sein, dargestellt in einer Würfel- und Noten-Tabelle, nebst Anleitung.

To creat a book, simply download (or clone: git clone this project to one’s computer, unzip the downloaded archive, and at the command line inside the main folder (mdgBookSVG6Kit or mdgBookSVG6Kit-main directory) issue the following command (pre-requisites: bash, abcmidi, abcm2ps, Ghostscript, Inkscape, and LaTeX):

bash HOWTO

Wait for a few minutes, i.e., until one gets the bash prompt again. The compiled book in PDF format (mdgBookSVG6v1.pdf), among other things, should be located in the res folder (subdirectory).

For the Impatient

To examine an example of a book (mdgBookSVG6v1.pdf) that was generated in a similar manner, simply left-click on the image below; to download a copy right-click (then “Save Link As …”) on the image:

Front Cover

(Note: To enable the MIDI audio links in the book, one should download and unzip in the same directory in one’s computer that contains the book, i.e., the book and midi files have to be in the same directory. These same midis in ogg format:

Important Parameters

To personalize one’s generated book (in addition to the randomly generated SDs), one may want to change some of the default parameters/values in the following (all three files are initially found in the main directory but are eventually moved into the res folder):

Once the desired changes have been made to the files above, one can then re-compile the book by issuing, in the res subdirectoy, the last set of commmands in the HOWTO file:

pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape mdgBookSVG6v1.tex
bibtex mdgBookSVG6v1.aux
pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape mdgBookSVG6v1.tex
pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape mdgBookSVG6v1.tex

Also, line 32 of the HOWTO is set by default so that each new book created contains 20 SDs. One may wish to change this number, as desired, to some other counting number. This has to be done before issuing the bash HOWTO command within the mdgBookSVG6Kit (or mdgBookSVG6Kit-main) directory.

Similar Kits on GitHub

MDG Book kits similar to this may be found on related GitHub sites such as:


Special thanks to International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) for Kunst, Schottische Taenze zu componiren, ohne musicalisch zu sein, Opus Infinity for additional related information, and and Amaranth Publishing for a copy of My sincerest gratitude to Chris Walshaw et al. for the ABC music notation; Jean-Francois Moine for abcm2ps and the accompanying examples, templates, and pointers for the appropriate use of these resources; Guido Gonzato for the ABC Plus Project and the abcmidi resources available there, more especially for the ABC resource book Making Music with ABC 2; James R. Allwright and Seymour Shlien for abcmidi source and binaries; Nils Liberg, Jan Wybren de Jong, Seymour Shlien et al. for EasyABC; Artifex, Inc. for Ghostscript v.10.00.0 (includes the ps2pdf converter); Inkscape v.1.2.2 for the tool for converting SVGs to PDFs for inclusion into LaTeX documents; Colomban Wendling et. al for Geany 2.0 IDE; and User:Martin H for his reply to a TeX/LaTeX Stack Exchange question on including SVGs into LaTeX documents. Ditto to Machtelt Garrels for the book Bash Guide for Beginners, Vivek Gite for the book Linux Script Shell Tutorial, Steve Parker for the Unix/Linux Shell Cheatsheet. John Fogarty’s GitHub Site: Latex CreateSpace BookCover and Peter Wilson’s reply in TeX/LaTeX Stack Exchange on designing a book cover were sources of ideas, information, and materials for creating the book cover and title page, thanks to both of them. Many thanks to the Debian Project for the Debian 12 (Bookworm) GNU/Linux OS, TeXLive 2024 for the TeX distribution, to Brian Fox for Bash, and GitHub for its generosity in providing space for this project.


mdgBookSVG6Kit by Justine Leon A. Uro is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal