1. What is the place value of the underlined digit in 475,666?

2. Write seven hundred ninety four thousand two hundred fifteen using Hindu-Arabic numerals.

3. How many common divisors (including 1) do 24 and 80 have?

4. Find two integers whose sum is 19 and whose product is 88.

5. How many 4ths are in 3/2?

6. Covert the mixed fraction $ 5 \frac{5}{6} $ into an equivalent improper fraction in lowest terms.

7. If $\frac{35}{25} = \frac{N}{100}$, what is the value of $ N$ ?

8. Mr. Chef bought exactly $ 3 \frac{1}{4}$ dozen eggs and used $ 2 \frac{1}{3}$ to cook a certain egg dish. How many of the eggs that he bought for cooking this egg dish remained (that is, were not used for cooking the dish)?

9. A certain Grade 4 class contains 40 students. If 8 of the students are boys, what is the ratio of boys to girls?

10. A certain Grade 4 class contains 40 students. If 8 of the students are boys, what percentage of the class are girls?

11. Which has the smaller angle measure: right angle or obtuse angle?

12. The length of a rectangle is twice its width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 102 meters, find the measurement of the width.

13. The length of a rectangle is twice its width. If the length of the rectangle is 34 meters, find the area of the rectangle.

14. Trees were planted 6 meters apart along a straight line segment so that the distance between the first tree and the last tree planted is 150 meters. How many trees were planted along this straight line segment?

15. The base of a rectagular prism has a width of 6 meters and a length of 8 meters. If the height of the prism is 4 meters, find its total surface area.