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Quiz Apps
- mcBibleQuiz - a multiple-choice question-and-answer familiarizer to Holy Scriptures.
- BibleQuiz - a question-and-answer familiarizer to Holy Scriptures. A pre-release Android app is available: biblequiz-v.0.0.1-pre-release.apk. The
folder used in making the Android app is available at BibleQuiz-src. - mcQuiz - a multiple-choice question-and-answer web app.
- mcQuiz-tz-aes - a version of mcQuiz that uses TeXZilla to render mathematics and Crypto.js to AES-encrypt the question-and-answer data. TeXZilla rendering of math expressions works only on Mozilla browsers (e.g., Firefox and Seamonkey).
- h5p-view - a bash script that processes (through a Linux command line) for viewing/playing, H5P zipped files by implementing h5p-standalone
- h5p-byBrowser - an implementation of h5p-standalone containing a simple H5P that uses the Branching Scenario H5P template to deliver learning materials that explain how to find the sum of the roots of a quadratic equation
- h5p-mcq-maker - a bash script for creating an H5P of multiple-choice questions (with a single correct answer) using the H5P Question Set template via the Linux command line
- h5p-mcq-maker-fb - similar to h5p-mcq-maker but with feedback on responses
- h5p-LET-GenEd-Math - contains seven (7) H5Ps of math quiz reviewers that may be viewed external to an LMS by using a browser
- h5p-LET-GenEd-Math-HTML - similar in content to h5p-LET-GenEd-Math. However, here, the seven (7) H5Ps that are included in h5p-LET-GenEd-Math (all of which are also included in this repository) were loaded into the Lumi app and then exported as
, as opposed to making them accessible by using h5p-standalone v.3.8.0, as was done in h5p-LET-GenEd-Math. Doing so, makes these H5Ps easier to view in a simple browser.
- ww2-collegeAlgebra-exers - a compilation, written in PreTeXt, of the homework exercise sets from WeBWorK2’s Model College Algebra course
- mtap - a repository of past MTAP exams and reviewers
- mtapR - an R-rendered website similar to mtap
- mtapR-src - source files to build an Android app similar to mtapR
- MGB-sols - repository for a partial solutions manual to Introduction to the Theory of Statistics 3rd ed. (1974) by A.M. Mood, F.A. Graybill, and D.C. Boes
- sdRgraph - an R package for generating Semantic Differential (SD) plots; contains the
function - sdRplot - R script for generating Semantic Differential (SD) plots
- TEO - an enhancement of an HTML version of the book The Esperanto Teacher, A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians (10th ed.) by Helen Fryer; generated using Rmarkdown
- Marche Pontificale - The Pontifical (Papal) Anthem
Musical Dice Games
- mdgBookSVGKit - One-Command Kit for Creating MDG Minuets Collection Book, the minuets are generated based on the rules given in Musikalisches Würfelspiel, K.516f (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- mdgBookSVG2Kit - One-Command Kit for Creating MDG Double Counterpoints (Six Measures) Collection Book, the counterpoints are generated based on the rules given in C.P.E. Bach’s Einfall, einen doppelten Contrapunct in der Octave von sechs Tacten zu machen, ohne die Regeln davon zu wissen
- mdgBookSVG3Kit - One-Command Kit for Creating MDG (Kirnberger) Minuet-Trios Collection Book, the minuet-trios are generated based on the rules given in Der allezeit fertige Polonoisen- und Menuettencomponist (1757)
- mdgBookSVG4Kit - One-Command Kit for Creating MDG Minuet-Trios Collection Book, the minuet-trios are generated based on the rules given in Table pour composer des Minuets et des Trios à la infinie (also known as or Tabelle welcher aus man unzählige Menuetten und Trio für das Klavier herauswürfeln kann or Gioco Filarmonico o sia maniera facile per comporre un infinito numero di menuetti e trio, anche senza sapere il contrapunto)
- mdgBookSVG4itKit - One-Command Kit for Creating MDG (Gioco Filarmonico) Minuets Collection Book, the minuets generated are based on the rules given in Gioco Filarmonico o sia maniera facile per comporre un infinito numero di menuetti e trio, anche senza sapere il contrapunto arranged for three (3) instruments
- mdgBookSVG6Kit - One-Command Kit for Creating MDG Scottish Dances (Dance-Trios) Collection Book, each dance-trio is generated based on the rules given in Kunst, Schottische Taenze zu componiren, ohne musicalisch zu sein
- mdgBookSVG_1 - Creating your own Musical Dice Games (MDG) Minuets Collection Book
- mdg2abc - Bash script for generating Musical Dice Game minuets (based on K. 516f, Mozart); uses
- mdginabc2svg - Bash script for generating Musical Dice Games minuets (based on K. 516f, Mozart); uses
- tic-tac-toe - Bash script implementation of the famous Tic-Tac-Toe (Noughts-and-Crosses) Game.
- Animated GIFs - using
(from ImageMagick) andgifsicle
(from Gifsicle) to create animated GIFs
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