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Promenante sur la strato, mi falis.
Walking in the street, I fell.
Trovinte pomon, mi ĝin manĝis.
Having found an apple, I ate it.
Li venis al mi tute ne atendite.
He came to me quite unexpected.
Li iris tre meditante kaj tre malrapide.
He went meditating (deeply) and very slowly.
Ni hontis, ricevinte instruon de la knabo.
We were ashamed, having received instruction from the boy.
La imperiestra servanto eliris, portante kun si la braceleton.
The imperial servant went out, taking with him the bracelet.
Profunde salutante, li rakontis, ke oni kaptis la ŝteliston.
Profoundly saluting, he related that the thief had been caught.
Ne dirante vorton, la dukino malfermis sian juvelujon.
Without saying a word, the duchess opened her jewel-case.
Laborinte unu jaron, kaj ŝparinte kelkajn dolarojn, mi edziĝis kun mia Mario.
Having worked a year, and having saved a few dollars, I married (with) my Mary.
Transirinte la riveron, li trovis la ŝteliston.
Having crossed the river, he found the thief.
Rigardinte okaze la plankon, ŝi vidis ian libron, forgesitan kredeble de elirinta veturanto.
Looking (having looked) by chance on the floor, she saw some book, forgotten probably by a departed traveller.