Sometimes we want to express a supposition, to say that something would take place, supposing that something else, which is not likely to occur, were to do so, or that something would have taken place if something else which did not occur had done so. In this case the verb must end with -us, as, If I were well (which I am not) I should be happy (which also I am not), Se mi estus sana, mi estus feliĉa. If he knew (supposition) that I am here (a fact) he would immediately come to me (supposition), Se li scius, ke mi estas tie ĉi, li tuj venus al mi. Compare the two following sentences:— (i.). Kvankam vi estas riĉa, mi dubas, ĉu vi estas feliĉa, Though you are (in fact) rich, I doubt whether you are (in fact) happy, (ii.). Kvankam vi estus riĉa, mi dubas, ĉu, vi estus feliĉa, Though (supposing that) you were rich, I doubt whether you would be happy.
lernanto, pupil. leciono, lesson. instruanto, teacher, sci-, know. pun-, punish. estim-, esteem. lev-, lift, raise. ten-, hold, keep. |
pen-, endeavour. imit-, imitate, kvazaŭ, as if. io, something. efektive, really. supren, upwards. kvankam, though. se, if. |
Se la lernanto scius bone sian lecionon, la instruanto lin ne punus. Se vi scius, kiu li estas, vi lin pli estimus. Ili levis unu manon supren, kvazaŭ ili ion tenus. Se mi efektive estus bela, aliaj penus min imiti. Ho! se mi jam havus la aĝon de dekkvin jaroj!